
Showing posts from 2018

Etsy Analytics - How Can They Help With Future Sales?

In the world today, most people have heard of Etsy.  There are books and podcasts devoted to how to sell your artistic wares on Etsy and make a profitable business out of your own home.  There are many people who do create a booming business using Etsy, however, many find that it doesn’t always bring them the fortune they were expecting.  Unfortunately, handcrafted goods are something that costs much more to produce than the mass-produced products you can pick up at your local Walmart.  The cost of handmade items on Etsy can be anywhere from 3-10x’s more than the products you currently use.  Most people want the most bang for their buck so paying higher costs and then shipping can sometimes be more than a regular shopper is willing to pay. Etsy is an ecommerce platform for the more artistic sellers typically.  When browsing the contents of this ecommerce platform, you will find things such as handmade jewelry, bath soaps, candles, photographs, gra...

Keyword Hero. A Solution to the (Not Provided) Keyword.

Why do we need a blog keyword solution? Why do we need a solution to help us determine Keywords to use?  People should just want to read our blogs because we’re awesome right?  How will they know how awesome our blogs are if they can’t find us?  Keywords are a major part of making sure website and blog SEO are running smoothly and are relevant.  Whether you are using Wordpress or Blogger, incorporating your main keywords into your post is important so search engine crawlers and indexing can pick them up and determine the relevance of the piece to what others are searching for.  How we add keywords According to the Blogger help section (2018), this is done by adding keywords into your title, subtitles, and text as well as create a permalink that is relevant to the content.  If you are talking about adding keywords to your blog, such as this blog, you will want to use keywords that point to the fact that is what your blog is about.  If you are a...

Bite Size Analytics with Bitly

Google Analytics is certainly considered one of the most popular web metrics tools available especially with the cost being free.  Not many web metric companies can compete with this price tag, however, a few that can are useful in their own ways.  For the purpose of this blog I am going to focus on Bitly. What is Bitly? Bitly is a web metric service that monitors traffic analytics through bitlinks.  As stated by the Bitly website, bitlinks are “When you shorten a link with Bitly, you are redirecting a click from Bitly to the destination URL. We issue a "301 redirect": a technique for making a webpage available under many URLs. A 301 redirect is the most efficient and search engine-friendly method for webpage redirection. Because Bitly doesn’t re-use or modify links, we consider our redirects to be permanent.” (Bitly, 2017) What does Bitly offer? Bitly offers browser extensions to share Bitlinks straight from your browser as well as a downloadable app for...

Eggs in a Basket

In my undergrad finance class, I will always remember my professor saying, “don’t put all your eggs in the same basket.”  He was of course talking about financial investments such as stock, however, I feel it applies in many ways throughout the business and marketing world.  I do not believe a company should put all of its eggs in the basket of one social media platform.  The social media world changes so fast, it is hard to determine which platform is going to work the best tomorrow, next week, or next year.  There are platforms that a company can pay more attention to at certain times because it is bringing in better results, but they shouldn’t completely cut out other platforms because they do not perform as well at that time.  In the case of Amy Sine Photography LLC, the social platforms used are Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Twitter.  The company was started exclusively on Facebook and eventually branched out to Pinteres...

Website Engagement

Engagement can be measured in different ways.  Some ways produce a higher customer satisfaction rate than others, however, metrics cannot always determine the difference between a satisfied customer or an unsatisfied customer.  Metrics can measure the time spent on the site, the pages visited, how long the visitor was on each page, etc.  The issue with these metrics is it can’t tell if the engagement matches its true definition “The Marriam-Webster dictionary defines engaging as “tending to draw favorable attention or interest.” (Avinash Kaushik, 2010, p. 56) If a person spends ten minutes enjoying the content they are finding then that produces a high customer satisfaction.  If a person spends ten minutes looking for something on your website and not being able to find it, that produces low customer satisfaction.  Either of these examples can contribute to your page views per visit.  The viewer may love the content and be looking for more content to enj...

Visitor Characterization

There are many metrics offered by reporting tools.  The tool that I am specifically using is Google Analytics which is free to use and extremely helpful.  It is important to have a firm understanding of the metrics used so you can understand what you are looking at and how the information will benefit your business or your employer’s business.  There are six categories of analytics; foundational, visit characterization, visitor characterization, engagement, conversion, and miscellaneous.  In this blog I will be focusing on visitor characterization.  Visitor Characterization covers how many people are visiting your page and how often.  These metrics help segment the visitors to your website and can influence the way you set up your website, keywords you use, as well as internally referring visitors so they can see additional products or services you offer.  In the world of metrics this data can greatly impact your website and business strat...